The study aims at measuring the gamma activity concentration (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) of sub-slabfilling gravel of Finnish houses. This study forms a part of a wider study aiming at exploring factorsaffecting high indoor radon concentrations in Finnish dwellings. The gamma activity and radonemanation were measured from gravel samples sent from 229 Finnish municipalities, the gammaactivity was reported. Gamma activity was determined by HPGe gamma spectrometry. The averageradium and thorium concentrations of the filling gravel were 23 and 27 Bq/kg, respectively.
The Austrian radon mitigation joint research project SARAH (supported by the Austrian Ministry ofEconomy and the Government of Upper Austria), a two-year follow up study of the Austrian NationalRadon Project (NRAP), was started in 1996. Objectives of the research project were to find simple,cost effective experimental methods for the characterisation of the radon situation in dwellings and toevaluate technically and economically the implementation of state of the art remedial actions forAustrian house types.
A simple intercomparison of natural radioactivity and radon emanation factor measurementscoordinated by the Medical Physics Department of the University of Cantabria UC, Spain, has beencarried out during 1998 in the framework of the EU Concerted Action ERRICCA (European Researchinto Radon in Construction Concerted Actio). All the measurements have been made on a "blueconcrete" sample friendly delivered by Dr. G.
One could say that the Spanish Radon Program began in 1988 with the development of a nationalsurvey on indoor radon in Spanish houses. Today, 10 years later, many activitites by differentinstitutions and Universities have been carried out and a good information about the radon problemhas been achieved. Spain consists of 50 provinces which are amalgamated to form 17 autonomousregions. In this paper, we show the results of a major research and development program which is stillin progress.
Several kinds of studies have been carried out concerning building materials.The granitic region can be considered as a significant part of the country. In recent years graniticmaterials are being used as ornements or integrated on the walls inside the houses, producing highindoor radon levels. Studies of different coverings for granitic materials were tested employing incolorpaintings in order to reduce the radon exhalation from such granitic stones, without modifying theirappearance.