The influence of indoor nitrogen dioxide exposure on respiratory symptoms of school children was investigated in a case-control study. The election method used was useful in obtaining symptomatic children, but insufficient indefining cases and controls without additional information. No relationship between indoor NO2 and respiratory symptoms was found. Bias may have been present, especially because of the high mobility of the study population. Attempts to estimate historical exposure were inaccurate.
A small, personal monitoring study was performed in a subpopulation (14 families) of a case-control study on the relationship between indoor nitrogen dioxide exposure and respiratory diseases of school children.
Indoor NO2 concentrations were measured in the kitchen, the living room and bedroom of 612 houses in two different areas in the Netherlands. In asub-sample, personal exposure of the housewives to NO2 was measured. NO2concentrations indoors depended on the presence or absence of (un)vented gas appliances. Personal NO2 exposure was only different between the two areas in the group with the lowest indoor concentrations. It was concluded that with respect to NO2 exposure it is impossible to categorize groups without accounting for gas appliances inside the house.
Carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide were monitored in 12 homes on a real-time basis to determine their transient concentrations, their dispersion through the homes and day-to-day variation in pollutant levels. Kitchen ventilation was determined using sulphur hexafluoride tracer gas, and use of unvented gas appliances was monitored with thermo couples. A week-long measurement programme was undertaken in a wide range of homes to determine the distribution of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulates and organic compounds.
Sixty houses built with widely different construction practices and located in different areas in upstate New York were monitored for airtightness (using fan pressurization) and integrated radon concentrations in indoor air, household water,
The effects of different ventilation practices on levels of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide from an unvented gas range were studied under controlled conditions at an experimental house near Washington, DC, USA.
Gives basic facts about indoor air pollution for homeowners. Lists common indoor air pollutants and guidelines for generally acceptable levels of selected air contaminants. Some suppliers of measurement equipment are mentioned.
Indoor pollutant levels in well-insulated houses are being investigated in a 2-year theoretical and experimental study involving the simultaneous measurement of meteorological variables, air exchange and circulation, and energy consumption. This paper describes concentrations of radon, radon progeny, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides observed in two houses over two seasons, summer and fall 1983. Two companion papers provide a perspective on the problem and the study design, and present results of energy use and infiltration measurements.
As part of an investigation into the influence of a residential weatherization program on indoor air quality and energy efficiency, a multi-pollutant survey of the air inside 50 Wisconsin homes was conducted three times during the heating season
Thirty residences were monitored for nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, respirable suspended particles, and air exchange rate for forty-one one-week periods using integrating samplers. The residences were located in the northwest a