Inhabitants' behaviour with respect to ventilation.

During winter periods in four types of newly built terraced dwellings and in apartments of a flatbuilding,the daily behaviour and motivations of the inhabitants with respect to airing and ventilation have been studied. In total the information was obtained from 279 households. A combination of verbal interviews, diaries and technical measurements are used as methods of investigation. On basis of the findings,calculations can be made about air flows in occupied dwellings.

Indoor environment for hotels.


Ventilation requirements for moisture control in different climates.

One of the most important reasons for ventilation of dwellings is moisture control. Ventilation strategies differ. The article deals with 1) Ventilation as a measure for moisture control in dwellings: comfort aspects, durability aspects, air humidity and ventilation: 2) Principles for risk analyses; surface phenomena, moisture conditions within buildings components; 3) Ventilation requirements in different climates; climatic data for different climatic zones, principles for moisture- ventilation analysis, and analyses of the examples.
