Market analysis of sensors for the use in demand controlled ventilating systems.

In the framework of a project of the International Energy Agency (IEA) , IEA-Annex XVIII - Demand Controlled Ventilating (DCV) Systems, which started in fall 1987, a review of the state of the art of already existing DCV systems and devices has been undertaken by all participating countries. This paper is concerned with air quality sensors which may be suitable to control air quality on demand. The dominant contaminants are not only variing in different kinds of buildings (dwellings, schools, stores etc.) but also from room to room due to different ways of utilizing the spaces.

Multizone contaminant dispersal analysis using an element assembly approach.

An element-assembly formulation of multi-zone contaminant dispersal analysis theory is described. In this approach a flow system is idealized as an assemblage of mass transport elements that model specific instances of contaminant mass transport in the flow system. Equations governing the mass transport phenomena modeled by each element are expressed in terms of contaminant concentration variables, the nodal concentration variables, that approximate the contaminant concentration at discrete points, the system nodes, in the flow system.

How do we get healthy buildings.

The importance of the climate to general health and wellbeing has long been understood. The ultimate goal for planning, building, renovation and administration of the housing stock is to satisfy people's needs. When this goal is not attained, the results will be human sacrifices, social problems and losses to the national economy. This, of course, also applies to the issues of climate and the environment. Research and development work on these questions is nothing new for the Swedish Council for Building Research (BFR).
