Sick building syndrome (SBS) in office workers and facial skin symptoms among VDT - workers in relation to building and room characteristics: two case- referent studies

In two case-referent studies the associations between questionnaire symptom reports, expressed as SES (Sick Building Syndrome) in office workers or facial skin symptoms among VDT-workers, and physical data from offices in 160 buildings were investigated. The results show that low outdoor airflow rate and presence of certain pollution sources, such as copying machines, tended to be associated with an elevated prevalence of SES.

Indoor air humidity and sensation of dryness as risk indicators of SBS.

Questionnaire reports on symptoms and sensations from 4943 office workers, measurements of indoor climate from 540 office rooms in 160 buildings, and measurements of TVOC in 85 rooms were used in an analysis of the role of indoor air humidity and the sensation of dryness as risk indicators of SES (Sick Building Syndrome) symptoms. The sensation of dryness was strongly associated with the prevalence of SBS symptom reports. There were no associations between measured indoor air humidity and the prevalence of SBS symptoms or the sensation of dryness.

The MM questionnaires: a tool when solving indoor climate problems.

Many occupants in modern buildings complain about the indoor climate and report medical symptoms which they ascribe to the indoor environment. These symptoms are common in the general population. Technical measurements in the buildings  mostly show concentrations and levels within accepted limits. A strategy is needed to handle these problems. One important part of this strategy is to use standardized questionnaires for structuring the information from the occupants.

Barriers to the use of energy efficient residential ventilation devices.

Changes to Canadian building codes and standards are likely to increase the use of residential ventilation systems by homeowners. This has raised concerns about operating and maintenance costs, particularly because much of the existing residential equipment is not designed for longevity, or energy efficiency. The technical potential for improving the longevity and efficiency of ventilation systems has been documented in other research reports by CMHC.
