Heating and cooling of buildings may be done by water based radiant systems, where pipes areembedded in the concrete slabs between each storey. Hundreds of buildings with such systems arenow being constructed or are in operation in Europe.Because these types of systems are using the building mass for heating and cooling it is oftenquestioned how the systems should be controlled and operated. The present paper presents aparametric study of different control and operation concepts for both cooling (summer) and heating(winter) periods.
Residential buildings in Korea are equipped with only radiant heating systems (Ondol). Fenestration openings alone provide the ventilation, and the system is dependent on occupant control. Describes studies of the ventilation in these buildings carried out to assess the health of the indoor climate. The present study suggests strategies for maintaining the healthy environment and obtains data for the applications of ventilation systems to high-rise apartment buildings. Compares IAQ levels and ventilation rates for natural and mechanical ventilation.