According to the recommendations of the ICRP and the German Commission on RadiologicalProtection, areas should be identified where increased radon concentrations in buildings occur morefrequently than on the country-wide average. Such regions are characterized by an increased radonpotential of the building ground. The highest indoor concentrations were measured in old houses ofgranitic ground and in mining regions.The identification of such areas in the first step is based on a small-scale investigation of the geogenicradon potential.
The aim of this study is to develop a new technique for reducing high radon level in indoor air bymethod of membrane permeation using a hollow fiber module. The experiment has been carried outfor MERASILOX-S module of fine hollow fibers of silicon rubber that has high permeability constantand MHF hollow fiber module made of thin segment polyurethane membrane. The radon permeabilityconstants of hollow fiber membranes have been estimated from the decrease rate of radonconcentration in a radon permeation system.
The aim of this study was to compare the measured and the calculated concentrations of indoorradon caused by building materials at 23 workplaces. The measured concentrations of radon wereclearly higher than the calculated radon concentrations from the building materials indicating thatthe main source of indoor radon was the soil under and around the buildings. The highest means ofcontinuously (933 Bq m-3) and integrated (169 Bq m-3) measured and calculated (from 70 to 169Bq m-3) concentrations of radon were found in hillside locations.