Simple answers seem best against radon.


Radon 3-month (12-month field study).


Public policy considerations and the development of a code for the control of radon in residences.

Building codes that address radon control in residential buildings are a relatively new development in the larger trend toward increased efforts to understand and control indoor air quality. A residential radon construction standard has been developed in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The Northwest Residential Radon Standard (NRRS) seeks to provide a measured public policy response that is commensurate with current knowledge of both the health risk and the state of building science.

Airflow measurement techniques applied to radon mitigation problems.

During the past decade a multitude of diagnostic procedures associated with the evaluation of air infiltration and air leakage sites have been developed. The spirit of international cooperation and exchange of ideas within the AIC-AIVC conferences has greatly facilitated the adoption and use of these measurement techniques in the countries participating in Annex V. But wide application of such diagnostic methods are not limited to air infiltration alone.
