Discusses relatively simple and inexpensive method for ventilating house foundations to reduce radon based on results of a trial on detached housing in Sweden. Principle is to extract radon gas from the ground before it enters living accomodation. Table shows radon daughter intensity before and after corrective measures.
Air pollution from combustion of fossil fuels can be injurious to health causing damages to air passages. Discusses health risks caused by radon emission in houses. Tables illustrate expected effects of exposure todifferent pollutants, causes of death, 15 years cumulative mortality data, mortality distribution comparison between UK and Sweden, risk of lung cancer caused by radon exposure, and effects on health caused by energy saving methods.
Reports results of measurements of radon gas made in each of the Saskatoon low energy houses in December 1980. Finds that gas levels were higher in basements than on the ground floor but that concentrations of radon were not high enough to constitute a health risk. Suggests that permeability of basement walls may have a great effect on radon concentration and that sealing a basement may reduce levels.
Discusses sources of radon in buildings and the prediction of levels of radon and daughters. Derives differential equations governing the decay and venting of radon and its daughters. A computer program based on these equations has been written to predict radon and daughter concentrations, total potential alpha energy concentration and equilibrium factor. The program can account for time dependence of ventilation and emanation rates and is readily used by building designers.
Notes one of the principal ways in which members of the public receive natural irradiation is by breathing the decay products of radon 222. Reviews data on radiation exposure and the incidence of cancer for uranium miners. Discusses uncertainties and inadequacies in the data. Gives estimates for the incidence of lung cancer in the general public, caused by radon exposure.
Reviews the topic of indoor air quality as it relates to energy efficient homes. Discusses air pollution from combustion, airborne particles, formaldehyde and radon. Concludes that indoor air quality in existing homes and those currently being constructed, can be managed so as to avoid adverse effects on the occupants.
Presents a new method for determining the airborne concentrations of RaA, RaB and RaC in atmospheres contaminated with radon-222. The method employs alpha spectroscopy to measure the count rates of RaA and RaC' present on a membrane filter sample at two post-sampling times. The individual air concentrations and the statistical variances associated with each may then be calculated from the equations given. Presents theoretical and experimental comparisons which indicate the improved accuracy of the spectroscopic method over methods previously available.