Ventilation in existing houses.


Before you start assessing the comfort and safety of your home's mechanical systems.

The heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are a vital part of every home. These mechanical systems help control the indoor conditions you need for comfort, health and safety. How these mechanical systems interact with other appliances is critical in keeping your home's indoor environment healthy and safe.

Crazy like a fox.


Chicago's little green gem.


Comfort and energy in future buildings: illustrations in residential field.

Evolution in qualitative demand for future residential and commercial buildings is expressed through very various and, sometimes, non-compatible, tendencies.

However, all these demands have to be satisfied in a common environment of, one more time, different constraints.

The synthesis of both demands and constraints is very specific to national contexts. For example, the concept of "sustainable building" is different from a country to another, depending on the availability of resources (space, water, energy, ... ).

Putting technology into practice.


Millennium home.


Housing benefits.


Measuring backdraft for health and safety.

