Describes briefly California's Indoor Air Quality program, the importance of safeguarding indoor air quality, effects of particles on health, particularly inhalable and respirable particles, indoor air quality problems such as'building related illness', the determinants of indoor air quality, mitigating measures, including ventilation, source removal or substitution, source modification, air purification, and behavioural adjustments to reduce exposures (avoidance).
Summary of an APCA International Speciality Conference. Contains information on some relatively unfamiliar trace gases and fungi, as well as on the better known indoor air pollutants. Studies range from those on human health tothose concentrating on pollutant emissions to those addressing building ventilation. Papers also cover sick building syndrome and pollutant and ventilation surveys.
The Sick Building Syndrome (SBS-syndrome) as defined by a WHO working group is discussed, and the existence of a sub syndrome is postulated, based on observations reported in the literature. This sub syndrome relates mucous membrane irritation - sensory irritation, dryness in nose and eye, which are very frequent symptoms within the Sick Building Syndrome - to the totalconcentration of volatile organic compounds (VOC) of the solvent type. This VOC syndrome may include other until now unidentified symptoms.
Analysis of five papers given at the Symposium on Sick Buildings. Conclusions are that the cause of sick building syndrome must be psychosocial, physical, chemical or biological. Symptoms are different from symptoms of mass psychogenic illne