Policy, politics, and indoor air pollution.

Considers points including: ventilation and money, the best ways to control indoor air pollution, how much air is enough for ventilation, how far pollutants affect people, notes on asbestos and risks, industrial hygiene and "sick buildings", indoor air pollution vs outdoor air pollution.

The epidemiology of indoor air problems.

Discusses sick building syndrome in office buildings. Poor ventilation is frequently blamed, although in 60% of cases, no specific cause can be identified, because of symptoms which are non-specific, and the vast variety of substances present in the air. Similarly, factors contributing to disease are not restricted to pollutant levels only. Procedure for examining causes of sick building syndrome are suggested. Describes checking of different kinds of ventilation system, and the importance of outside air intake. Describes problems of both local and central ventilation systems.

The 'sick' building syndrome.

Sick building syndrome has up until recently been diagnosed from complaints by the users of the building. Specific causes of complaints symptoms usually have not been identified. Inspection methods have been limited. Frequency of sick buil

Sick buildings: physical and psychosocial features, effects on humans and preventive measures.

Analysis of five papers given at the Symposium on Sick Buildings. Conclusions are that the cause of sick building syndrome must be psychosocial, physical, chemical or biological. Symptoms are different from symptoms of mass psychogenic illne

Indoor air, volume 6: evaluations and conclusions for health sciences and technology.

Contains further papers, reports and conference summaries from the 3rd International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 1984, as well as afull list of authors and titles of papers printed in this and the previous volumes.
