Acoustics of atria: Contrasting measurement and modeling results

This paper includes the results of empirical measurements in and computational modeling of atria. Five atria with different designs were considered. In each atrium reverberation times and sound distribution patterns were obtained via measurements. Subsequently, the spaces were modeled in a room acoustic simulation application. The comparison of measurement and simulation results support the formulation of recommendations toward a more reliable use of modeling tools for proper acoustical design and analysis of atria.

Comparison of two models for human evacuating simulation in large building spaces

This paper presents the simulated results of human evacuation in a large space building. Two different models, Cellular Automata (CA) model and social force (SF) model are adopted. The simulated evacuation time and main characteristics of human evacuation are simulated and these results by the two models are compared. To check the practicability of the models for actual complicated cases, the simulating time is also compared. The results denote that both the two models can simulate the “arch” and “faster-is-slower” effect for human evacuation.

Study on optimizing the operatoin of heat source equipments in an actual heating/cooling plant using simulation

In order to determine the optimal combination of the heating source equipments in an existing office building, simulations of six different combination cases were conducted using the newly developed mathematical models of each component. From the simulation results, the optimal combination case can reduce the energy consumption by 19.7%, running cost by 12.8% and carbon-dioxide emissions by 29.6%, compared to the present operational combination.

Simulation analysis on the fresh air handling unit with liquid desiccant total heat recovery

A liquid desiccant fresh air processor is presented whose driven force is low-grade heat (65~70℃ hot water). Inside the processor, the desired cooling source for air’s dehumidification is indoor exhaust air’s evaporative cooling energy. Multi-stage structure is used to get higher total heat recovery efficiency of indoor exhaust air. The mathematical model of the fresh air processor is set up and realized by SIMULINK procedure. As the practical liquid desiccant fresh air processor is developed, its performance is tested with average COP (cooling load divided by heat source) 1.3.

Performance numerical analysis on an internally-cooled liquid desiccant dehumidifier

In the internally-cooled liquid desiccant dehumidifier (ICLDD), cooling medium is introduced to carry away the vaporization latent heat, which enhances effectiveness of heat and mass transfer process between liquid desiccant and air. Numerical method is adopted in this paper to analyze the performance of ICLDD. Theoretical model of heat and mass transfer process is established and verified by available experimental results.

HCR of heat pump room air conditioner in China

Definition of heating/cooling capacity ratio (HCR) of the heat pump air conditioner has been put forward in  this study, and the relationship between supply HCR (HCRS) and demand HCR (HCRD) has been illustrated.

Prediction about progress in performance of district heating and cooling system using combined heat and power

This study aims to reveal the advantages of district heating and cooling system (DHC) in energy efficiency as an urban energy system in the future. In this study, an existing absorption-chiller-and-boilertype DHC plant, which utilizes large-scale combined heat and power (CHP), is chosen for a case study. We evaluate the energy-saving potential of the plant in the future by a simulation model.

The utilization of GSHP in the Vangtze river area

The elements and classification of ground source heat pumps (GSHP) are expounded and its prospects in the Yangtze River Area of China were also indicated in the paper. The energy consumption of a model building in the area was simulated with eQUEST tool. Furthermore, the monthly and annual HVAC electric consumption of air source heat pumps (ASHP) and GSHP are contrasted and analyzed, and it is concluded that the GSHP is more efficient than conventional ASHP in the Yangtze River Area.

Multizone building with VAV air-conditioning system simulation for evaluation and test of control systems

Simulation techniques have been playing a more and more important role in research and development of reliable and energy efficient building automatic control solutions. Furthermore, simulation is appraised as being viable to judge building automation and control solutions. Therefore, to test and evaluate control strategies, Siemens Building Technologies (SBT) developed a building and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) plant model library.

Hydronic radiant floor for heating and cooling coupled with an underground heat exchanger: Modeling approach and results

This paper explores the simulation of the thermal performance of a radiant floor for heating and cooling that is connected with an underground heat exchanger installed under the concrete floor of a house. In the heating season, an electric boiler is used to maintain the operative temperature at the set point value by varying the supply water temperature to the radiant slab. In the cooling season, the water from the radiant floor is circulated through an underground heat exchanger installed under the concrete slab.
