Different facade solutions: energy and cost performance Computational analysis of sixteen case studies in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

This work evaluates the performance of different façade solutions, comparing simulation results of glass type and (internal and/or external) solar protection, in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For the simulations, it was considered as


For most sunny climates, the presence of high thermal loads due to the effect of solar radiationreinforces the need to protect the glazing in the facades and skylights. If this is not properly donethe performance of air-conditioning systems would be compromised and the lifespan of thatglazing would result severely affected. However, depending on the type and reflective nature ofthe shading system selected, undesirable effects for ventilation, comfort and especially forday-lighting tend to occur in the rooms provided with apertures that, paradoxically, we are trying toprotect.

Double-Skin Facade with Venetian Blind: Global Modelling and Assessment of Energy Performance

In this past decade, glazed façades use in new buildings has soared. Some of these façades, called "double skin façades", are made of internal and external glazing. As indicated by its name, "double skin façades" are a special type of envelope which air s