Performance assessment of residential cogeneration systems in Canada using a whole-building simulation approach

A performace assessment study has been performed on the application of Stirling engine (SE) and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) residential cogeneration systems in single family detached houses in Canada. Detailed mathematical component models, calibrated with measured data from prototypes, were combined into the whole-building simulation program ESP-r with synthetic electricity and domestic hot water demand profiles from calibrated event based generators to realistically forecast the Greenhouse gas emission reduction and efficiency improvement of these new technologies. Simulation models and

Optimal Control of Cogeneration Building Energy Systems

We investigate optimal supervisory control of a building energy system with cogeneration of heat and power (CHP). The system consists of a Stirling engine and a supplementary burner, space heating and a domestic hot water (DHW) storage tank. Cost and primary energy (PE)-optimal operation are considered.
The best theoretically possible operating strategy is found using the following assumptions: