Temperature, Relative humidity and Indoor Air Quality in office buildings and their subjective evaluation

Long-term continuous measurements of temperature, humidity and CO2 concentrations were conducted in offices in three buildings of over 3,000 m² and three non-specified buildings of less than 3,000 m². These measurements were carried out to investigate the effect of the hygrothermal environment in winter and summer, with a particular focus on the impact of humidity in winter and the hot and humid environment when air conditioning is turned off in summer, on microbial contamination.

Subjective Evaluation for Perceived Air Pollution Caused by Human Bioeffluents

The concentration of carbon dioxide is used as an important index of indoor air quality representative of body odor or bioeffluents in Japan. In the construction field of Japan, there is a CO2 concentration standard of a thousand ppm or less. However, property of occupants (such as sex, age and nationality) has non-nogligiblw effect on the room odor environment. Thus the standard of ventilation air volume should be decided suiting up for building use and occupants.

Fluctuation of indoor temperature caused by insufficient cooling supply: Computer simulation and experimental study

Energy recovery ventilator (ERV) is generally installed in an air-conditioning system to recycle the cooling load of exhaust air. However, air conditioning systems with the single ERV can not meet with outdoor air load and indoor cooling load in summer, which will cause fluctuation of indoor temperature. The goal of this study is to analyze such a fuctuating scenario of the indoor temperature. CFD and subjective evaluation are used in this study.

Adaptation process of human olfactory under continues exposure to odor of ethyl acetate based on subjective estimation of odor intensity

This study was aimed at making a model which predicted olfactory sensation. Firstly, it was conducted the experiment, which odor was exposed to subjects constantly and subjects evaluated odor, to investigate the olfactory adaptation process. As a result, it was turned out odor intensity decreasing exponentially as time. Secondly, validity of the previous theoretical model ( Osako,1991 ) was investigated by comparing the evaluation.