Experiences from wall exhaust systems in blocks of flats.

A self administrated questionnaire was mailed to over 300 dwellings in blocks of flats usingthe wall exhaust. In almost all the dwellings there was a controllable ventilation unit. Theunits were either a mechanical exhaust ventilation system type with outdoor air inlets ormechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery and outdoor air intakeon the wall. In the questionnaire, the daily use of ventilation unit, noise levels as well as odorsand their sources in the dwellings were asked.

Comparison of Natural and Mechanical Ventilation Performance in Similar Houses

The ventilation performance in 59 terraced houses of similar construction was investigated using a passive tracer gas technique. Some thirty houses were ventilated through the original natural ventilation, while eight were equipped with an additional bathroom fan and 20 were retrofitted with a mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system. All measurements were made simultaneously in March. The ventilation performance was computed using both single-zone and two zone approaches.

1994 Survey of current research into air infiltration and related air quality problems in buildings.

Provides a platform for the dissemination of information related to infiltration, ventilation, indoor air quality and energy use within buildings by means of a survey and analysis of current research. The current survey reports on research projects from over 250 sources worldwide. The sections include an analysis of the results of the survey, a detailed list of survey replies, which is also available in searchable database format, and contact names and addresses for researchers.

An overview of the AIVC Numerical Data Base.

The Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre s Numerical Database has been developed in response to a need to establish a core of numerical data suitable for design purposes and model validation. It has also been developed to provide a focus for
