High radon concentration in work and living places are caused by a high geological radon potentialof the soil , by technological processes, the use of building materials with high uranium, thoriumand radium content and the building construction. Further the influence of the working and living conditions on the dose estimation is very important. Especially the equilibrium factor and the unattached fraction are influenced by the working and living conditions.
Reports methods used to measure the concentrations of Rn, Tn, and their decay products indoors and outdoors. Radon and Thoron concentrations are detected continuously by collecting the positively charged RaA and ThA atoms on a surface-barrier detector using electric field precipitation.< The concentrations of Radon and Thoron decay products were determined by collecting them on a membrane filter and simultaneously counting the activities by means of a collimated surface-barrier detector.Indoor and outdoor concentrations are measured simultaneously under different ventilation rates.