Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate in Buildings is out!

This monthly online newspaper contains relevant information on the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC)


venticool newsletter issue #25 – January 2025

The 25th issue of the venticool newsletter is now available!

Specific contents include:


Personalized Environmental Control System (PECS) in Action: Insights from Case Studies

We are happy to announce that the recordings of the AIVC/ EBC Annex 87 & venticool co-organized webinar, “Personalized Environmental Control System (PECS) in Action: Insights from Case Studies”, held on December 5, 2024 are now available on our website!

This webinar explored field applications of PECS with a global perspective and discussed its benefits and limitations in buildings.

Featured Presenters:


Recordings from the webinar "Design and performance assessment of Ventilative Cooling"

We're excited to announce that the recordings and presentation slides from the AIVC & venticool webinar "Design and performance assessment of Ventilative Cooling", which took place on March 21, 2024, are now accessible online here.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay updated on our latest video content.


venticool newsletter issue #24 – July 2024

The 24th issue of the venticool newsletter is now available!

Specific contents include:


Upcoming AIVC & venticool webinars - March 2024

AIVC & venticool are inviting you to register for the upcoming webinars:


Submit your abstracts for the AIVC 2024 Conference!

The AIVC 2024 Conference “Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality" will be held on October 9-10, 2024, at Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland. It will be a joint event combined with the 12th TightVent and the 10th venticool conferences.


Overview of AIVC Webinars in cooperation with TightVent Europe and venticool platforms

We are pleased to announce the release of AIVC's Literature List no 37: Overview of Webinars in cooperation with TightVent Europe and venticool platforms. This report is an overview of all AIVC webinars held since 2012, including information on each event with links to the online recordings and the pdfs to the presentations..

The document is freely accessible. Please click here to download and read the document. 


LL 37: Overview of Webinars in cooperation with TightVent Europe and venticool platforms

The AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre), TightVent Europe (the building and ductwork airtightness platform) and venticool (the platform for resilient ventilative cooling have organised during the past 11 years 49 webinars around a wide range of topics. The main topics of the events held include:
