The Variation of Heat Loss Through Suspended Floors with Ventilation Rate.

Increases in the levels of thermal insulation required in the walls and roofs of houses in the U.K. in recent years have meant that heat losses through floors now assume greater significance, as a proportion of the total heat loss from a dwelling. To effect further reductions in the energy consumption of houses, the thermal performance of floors needs to be examined to assess the most cost effective insulation strategy.

Stack Effect Ventilation of an Infant's School.

This paper presents the results of monitoring the ventilation in Netley Infants School in Hampshire. The study was carried out on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry as part of the Energy Performance Assessment Project, as managed by the Energy Technology Support Unit. The school was designed so that during the summer the solar heating of a south facing conservatory would enhance the stack effect and induce ventilation in the adjacent classrooms. It was expected that ventilation rates would be adequate to maintain comfort conditions and air quality.

Indoor Air Quality Index.

Under-estimating the ventilation flow rate results in increased sanitary risks and damage to the existing building structure. Over-estimating ventilation flow leads to energy waste. In this context, a number of approaches have been designed to determine indoor air quality indicators. The aim of these is to compare comfort and sanitary quality in different atmospheres. This document presents four air quality indicators developed by three French teams and one Danish team.We examine the strengths and weaknesses of each design, plus their specific areas of use.

Correlations between CO2 and Steam concentrations Measured in 60 Occupied Housing Units.

Within the framework of demonstration and industrial pilot projects in the energy sector supported by the Commission of the European Economic Communities, an important experiment has been dedicated to the HYGRO-ADJUSTABLE NATURAL VENTILATION (Contrat EE/166/87/FR). The experiment took place on three sites: Les ULIS (France), NAMUR (Belgium) and SCHIEDAM (the Netherlands).
