Laboratory ventilation work book.

Active noise control in ventilation.


Revising the ASHRAE 62 ventilation standard.


Qualification of ventilation systems.

The results presented here supply values for the room ventilation efficiency of a number of configurations covering as many as possible of the ventilation systems encountered in actual practice. The study is based on experimental results and numerical simulation. Using a few configurations experimented-on, simulations were performed using CFD code, which in particular allowed the reliability of calculations to be checked. The simulation tool was then used in such a way as to arrive at results that could be applied in practice.

Study of the ventilation on an ancient building located in the centre of Rome and now used as a university office.

An investigation of some Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) parameters in a significant office of the State in the area of Rome was undertaken. The aim, in future, will be to cover a wide range of situations in various buildings and organisations, to achieve data to improve the working conditions, to have a more healthy working environment, to optimize energy consumption and energy management.

Possibilities and limitations for evaporative and dessicant cooling technologies.

Evaporative cooling is an interesting alternative to conventional compressor refigerationsystems for air-conditioning. However, the use of evaporative cooling presupposes all-airsystems and is, to a large extent, limited by ambient conditions as well as the settled demandson the indoor climate. High outdoor humidity levels have a great influence on the supply-airtemperature achievable, i.e. cooling loads possible to meet. One way to reduce the influenceof these limitations is to use desiccant cooling, i.e. to dehumidify the ambient air before theevaporative stages.
