Efficiency characterisation of various ventilation configurations.

The study concerns the ventilation of a parallelepiped shape room by means of several systems whose supplying and extracting methods differ, so the different thermic conditions applied to limits. To qualify the efficiency of each of these systems in relation with the various current criteria, we carried out measurements by means of a tracer gas, both with a transitory and a permanent flow. At the same time, numerical simulations were carried out by means of a CFD code which solves the equations of the fluids mechanic, material and heat transfers associated with flows.

Design guidelines for ventilation system for pollution control in large, semi-enclosed bus terminus.

In response to complaints about poor air quality in bus termini, the Hong Kong Government is considering imposing legislative control over ventilation system design and operation of bus termini in Hong Kong. However, there are, as yet, no relevant air quality criteria and ventilation system design guidelines for Hong Kong. In this paper, measured air quality data for 5 semi-enclosed bus termini are reviewed. This provides a picture of the prevalent air quality in bus termini.

Computerised methods for balancing ventilation systems.

Adequate ventilation with the "right amount of air, to the right place and at the right time" are important factors for achieving a good indoor climate. Thus it is of prime importance that the ventilation system is working properly. Using traditional methods, it is a very time consuming, and some times even impossible, task to balance ventilation systems to achieve correct air distribution. In most countries the growing concern about Indoor Air Quality has resulted in Building Codes demanding increased ventilation rates.
