Emergency stairwell ventilation.


Smoke control in buildings: threat or promise?


Practical guidelines for using tracer gases for the evaluation of ventilation systems.

Over the years there has been significant advance in the development of experimental methods and analysis for the use of tracer gases in the evaluation of ventilation systems. As a rule, these advances have been in the direction of greater complexity and more sophisticated data analysis methods. Most of these advances are difficult for buildings researchers to understand, not to mention the confusion they have created for practitioners.

Efficient ventilation for human comfort.


Ventilation directory.


Simulation of gas leaks - ventilated rooms.

The study deals with the theoretical and experimental simulation of gas leaks in buildings. Such simulations may provide helpful information about the flow characteristics and dangerous concentrations as a function of the ventilation system (if any), the geometrical features and the thermal constraints on the room, and eventually about the positioning of gas monitoring devices.
