26 March 2024, Webinar – Exploring window opening behaviour for optimal cooling and thermal comfort

Occupants use windows to control their thermal comfort and indoor air quality (IAQ). However, occupants often have to make a compromise between thermal, acoustic and visual comfort, IAQ and energy use for space conditioning. Moreover, they are not only looking for good indoor environmental quality, but also for their needs for security and privacy.


21 March 2024, Webinar – Design and performance assessment of Ventilative Cooling

Ventilative cooling emerges to be a key element in the strategy to meet the cooling demand in buildings while cutting the CO2 emissions. Ventilative cooling also enhances thermal comfort and mitigates heat stress in buildings. Despite these benefits, the practical adoption of ventilative cooling remains limited among designers. There is still a need for design guidelines and assessment methods in standard weather conditions, extreme scenarios (such as heat waves) and urban environments.


9 December 2020, Webinar – Resilient Ventilative Cooling in practice

The current development in building energy efficiency towards nZEB buildings represents a number of new challenges to design and construction. One of these major challenges is the increased need for cooling in these highly insulated and airtight buildings, which is not only present in the summer period but also in the shoulder seasons and in offices even in midwinter. Resilient ventilative cooling can be an energy efficient solution to address this cooling challenge in buildings.


Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality (Book of Proceedings)

The Book of Proceedings of the 44th AIVC - 12th TightVent - 10th venticool  Conference "Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality", held in Dublin, Ireland on 9-10 October 2024.

Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality (Slides)

The Presentations the 44th AIVC - 12th TightVent - 10th venticool  Conference "Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality", held in Dublin, Ireland on 9-10 October 2024.

Design of ventilative cooling systems using Ventilative cooling standards; design steps and corresponding flow diagram

Ensuring an indoor environmental quality that is acceptable to the majority of users, while also being energy efficient is a challenge. In addition, both user demands and the climate change are making it even more difficult to ensure good indoor environmental quality. One of the solutions to combat climate change is free cooling systems, such as ventilative cooling. 

A comprehensive overview of ventilative cooling and its role in the standardisation

Ventilative cooling is a free cooling methodology, harnessing the cooling potential of the outdoor air to remove excess heat, without the use of thermodynamic process, thereby saving valuable cooling energy in buildings. In future zero energy buildings it is essential to lower the energy consumption for cooling and here ventilative cooling is one good option.

Recordings from the webinar "Design and performance assessment of Ventilative Cooling"

We're excited to announce that the recordings and presentation slides from the AIVC & venticool webinar "Design and performance assessment of Ventilative Cooling", which took place on March 21, 2024, are now accessible online here.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay updated on our latest video content.


venticool newsletter issue #24 – July 2024

The 24th issue of the venticool newsletter is now available!

Specific contents include:


AIVC 2023 Conference Proceedings now available!

We are happy to announce that the book of proceedings, PowerPoint presentations and individual papers from the AIVC 2023 conference "Ventilation, IEQ and health in sustainable buildings" held on 4-5 October 2023, in Copenhagen, Denmark are now available to download freely.

