Wind, temperature and natural ventilation - theoretical considerations.

Discusses in theoretical terms complexity of interactions of weather-driven air infiltration by 1) wind and 2) convection induced by indoor/outdoor temperature difference. Notes implications for practice of this complexity such as near impossibility of achieving accurate computer models. Treats flow through a single crack. Illustrates diagrammatically and discusses nature of the interaction of the 2 effects for several idealised examples. In an appendix proves mathematically the subadditivity of the effects for a wide class of situations.

Investigation of the relationship between the natural ventilation of a flat and meteorological conditions.

Investigates energy balance of centrally heated flat at coastal town of Kijkduin, based on daily figures of gas consumption and ventilation losses derived from meteorological conditions. Studies: 1) pressure difference over the building caused by windvelocity, wind direction and outdoor air temperature; 2) natural ventilation caused by pressure differences over fortuitous cracks and intentional opening of windows, grilles and shafts. Studies possibility of ventilation prediction via mathematical model.
