Study of variants to classical mechanical exhaust ventilation systems by using mechanical exhaust in habitable rooms

Nowadays, due to the higher energy performance of dwellings, ventilation plays an increasing role in maintaining a good indoor comfort. Therefore new ventilation strategies in combination with demand controlled ventilation are needed to accomplish high energy-efficient ventilation (limiting ventilation losses and auxiliary energy consumption) while providing good indoor air quality, thermal and acoustic comfort.

Coupling night ventilative and active cooling to reduce energy use in supermarkets with high refrigeration loads

Night ventilation is used extensively as a low energy strategy to cool buildings in climates where night temperatures are suitable. It can be used for spaces utilising natural or mechanical ventilation systems as well as active refrigerant cooling. Most published work focuses on domestic and relatively simple in operation commercial buildings such as offices. This paper presents a study of the cooling benefits of night ventilation for frozen food supermarkets with high cooling demand.

Heat Recovery Hybrid Ventilation System With a Thermal Storage

A “heat recovery hybrid ventilation system” is the combination of passive stack ventilation and mechanical push-pull ventilation. Two heat storage boxes are connected to the natural EA stack and the underfloor natural OA duct. The alternation is done periodically in a way of that the outdoor air is drawn through one of 2 boxes contains earth tiles and the indoor air is exhausted through the other box.

Development of protocol for sub-metering for ventilation models and verification for shopping centres

Shopping centres are complex buildings with specific needs. The use that different areas are put to affects energy consumption, whereas the different functional patterns and stakeholder groups influence energy use. They are also associated with specific requirements that make it relevant to consider different types of performance indicators.

About 1,000 ductwork airtightness measurements performed in new French buildings: database creation and first analyses

In France, the current regulation on the energy performance of buildings (RT 2012) does not require ductwork airtightness measurement when the default-value is used in the regulatory EP-calculation. Thus, measurements are only mandated when a specific airtightness level is used in EP-calculations or required by a voluntary certification scheme. In such case, measurements have to be performed according to a national scheme regarding ductwork airtightness measurement.

Façade Improvements to Avoid Draught in Cold Climates – Laboratory Measurements

With the goal of increasing building flexibility and reducing energy use, yet ensuring IAQ, the feasibility of natural ventilation in a building in Oslo is studied. However, the use of direct outdoor air poses some challenges in the Norwegian cold climate, particularly the risk of thermal discomfort due to draught and low local temperatures. The goal of this paper is to study the most suitable solution to avoid draught in cold climates while maintaining the required airflow rates.

The impact of the quality of homes on indoor climate and health: an analysis of data from the EU-SILC database

Today one out of six Europeans (84 million Europeans, or the equivalent of Germany’s population), report deficiencies regarding the building status. In some countries, that number is as high as one out of three. This puts these buildings in the ‘Unhealthy Buildings’ category, which is defined as buildings that have damp (leaking roof or damp floor, walls or foundation), a lack of daylight, inadequate heating during the winter or overheating problems.

Circadian House: a vision for homes designed to be healthy and human-centric

Based on a series of workshops, a Circadian House is defined as a house that is designed to support a healthy life for its occupants through a human-centric design. The workshops were held in 2012-2013 and defined 3 key principles and ten key factors to consider in the design of homes.

The Cleanliness Classification of Air-handling Components- A success Story in Finland

INTRODUCTION: The Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (FiSIAQ) introduced over twenty years ago in 1995 a Classification of Indoor Climate, Construction Cleanliness, and Finishing Materials and the third edition will be published autumn in the year 2017. Based on the criteria set in the classifications, The Building Information Foundation RTS sr started the M1-labelling of air handling components in 1999. Name of the classification is Cleanliness Classification of Air Handling Components.

Experiences regarding draught effects for ventilative cooling in cold climate

New buildings have to satisfy stricter standards regarding energy efficiency and consumption. This results in higher insulation levels and lower air leakages that reduce heating demands. However, together with the heating demands reductions, higher temperatures in summer and particularly shoulder season are more frequent even at moderate to cold climates. In order to ensure acceptable indoor environment quality, removal of excess heat becomes unavoidable. Using mechanical cooling in residential buildings is considered incompatible with achieving zero energy buildings (ZEB).
