Many occupants of a Swedish office building reported symptoms typical of sick building syndrome (SBS). Tests showed that the supply airflows were inadequate, but there was poor air movement in the rooms. Much of the supply air never reached the occupants but went direct to the exhaust system. Reducing the temperature of the supply air improved its dispersion. Instead of rising, the air sank towards the floor and then circulated through the entire room.
The importance of IAQ to Finland's society and economy has led to the realisation that nationally planned and coordinated activities are necessary to achieve reliable results. For 20 years the Finnish government has had a national policy to coordinate different governmental, local and private policies to improve IAQ in homes, schools, offices, public places etc. This program has been very successful although there are still many buildings with damp, mould and other similar problems and the quality of construction falls below that required.
During extreme weather conditions, the poor quality of windows and doors in several dwellings led to a high number of air changes. This created physical and psychical discomfort for the occupants. Recently better quality windows and doors were installed which led to the infiltration air exchange rate decreasing and heating costs falling. Unfortunately mildew formed in many apartments.
This paper is based upon the results of measuring and simulating the air change in the single apartment of 5-storey multi-family dwelling. The technique of tracer gas concentration decay was applied to be able to assess the rate of air change. The building was used as normal by occupants so the results should be very accurate. The main aim of the research was to validate simulation methods used to predict infiltration. Multiven -the authors own program - was used to achieve this aim.
Discusses how important it is to understand how the exhaust fan, stack discharge and replacement air contribute to a successful kitchen exhaust system.
An innovative and potentially energy efficient approach to ventilating and cooling buildings is represented by hybrid ventilation. Discusses the application of hybrid ventilation strategies to building design in the USA.
States that 80% or more of infiltration is due to the many imperfections designed into the building envelopes. Discusses the problem and the role of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62-1999.
Many occupants of a Swedish office building reported symptoms typical of sick building syndrome (SBS). A questionnaire was constructed to rate occupants'
This study discusses the results of site measurement and surveying for IEQ in several of Shanghai's multi-storey buildings. It shows that there is no connection between data from objective measurements and surveys of office workers in questionnaires. Indeed in some cases the results were completely contradictory.