Ventilation in existing houses.


District heating and cooling: an implementation technology for the 21st century.

The IEA's Committee on District Heating, Cooling and Combined Heat and Power has been concerned that the integrative technology of district heating and cooling is being overlooked by decision makers in both the IBA, the EU Commission and by the United States DOE. There are myths and misconceptions based, in part, on poorly maintained systems in the Central and Eastern European countries that cloud the real fact that, where based on waste heat utilization these systems are more efficient than the direct use of natural gas.

Experimental study on upwards blowing air curtain jet.

Upwards blowing air curtain includes usually a shaped inlet, a fan, an outlet duct, sound attenuators, an underground plenum and a nozzle. Warmed air or outdoor air is blown from the nozzle forming a jet which travels the width of the doorway and run into the upper edge of the doorway. Upwards blowing air curtains are normally used in doorways to protect workers and processes from cold outdoor air and to reduce energy and maintenance costs of the industrial buildings (1,3).

New carrots for energy efficiency programs.

Under deregulation, performance incentives to get utilities interested in investing in energy efficiency programs need to change. What works now and why?
