VAV systems and outdoor air.

HVAC system outdoor airflow rates are usually measured and set at the air-handling unit. The effectiveness of an HVAC system at delivering the outdoor air to the occupied spaces of a building is varied and often disputed. To investigate the delivery of outdoor air to the occupied spaces of a variable-air-volume system, ASHRAE Technical Committee 9.1, Large Building Air Conditioning Systems, funded Project 687- TRP, Minimum Ventilation Airflow Rates with VAV Systems. This article presents some of the information collected during that project.

Air quality on commercial aircraft.

ASHRAE is developing a standard to ensure cabin air quality 1) is safe for flight and occupants; 2) minimizes the potential for adverse health effects; and 3) is comfortable to occupants. ASHRAE Technical Committee 9.3, Transportation Air Conditioning, issued a work statement for the study, "Relate Air Quality and Other Factors to Symptoms Reported by Passengers and Crew on Commercial Transport Category Aircraft." The study's purpose is to support the development of ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 161P, Air Quality in Transport Category Commercial Aircraft. 

Passive evaporative cooling by means of wind tower for summer comfort in Algeria (Constantine).

Primary energy consumption in Algeria continues to grow, and this is associated with the growth in sale on conventional air conditioning systems. This was a major impact on electricity demand specially for summer cooling purpose for north and south regions of Algeria. This investigation demonstrates that the combination of passively driven air movement and evaporative cooling through wind tower system can be used with success and fulfil comfort requirements of hotel accommodation under constantine climate.

Cooling without air conditioning. The Torrent Research Centre, Ahmedabad, India.

This paper presents results from the first year of monitoring the performance of a laboratory building in the new 14.000m2 Torrent Research Centre in Ahmedabad, India. The capital and running costs of air conditioning of non-domestic buildings in northern India are very substantial. while building costs (compared with northern Europe) are low. A cooling technique which maximises reliance on the building fabric and minimises reliance on mechanical equipment is therefore likely to be cost effective. Passive Downdraught Evaporative Cooling (PDEC) represents such a technique.

The work of Eurovent.


ERRICCA Radon model intercomparison exercise.

