This study is to investigate the characteristics of indoor air temperature distributions and airflow patterns with three air diffusing systems in heating period and to find the methods which can predict those indoor environmental conditions effectively. A series of measurements and corresponding numerical analysis were done. Selected three air diffusing systems for this study are as follows; 1) ceiling supply-ceiling exhaust, 2) ceiling supply-floor exhaust, 3) floor supply-ceiling exhaust.
Investigation the modelling of the mathematical model of expediency of project decisions of building materials including the human safety the asbestos. The asbestos is most widely used in the production of roof cover-slate. At this moment the building materials in which composition the asbestos is used, become the actual ecological and economical problem of the country.
Temperature and relative humidity have been measured in a BRE test house to investigate the vapour content in the void beneath the timber floor. The void can be ventilated naturally or by means of a fan supplying or extracting air. The results show that air flow into and out of the void is stack dominated. The fan needs to supply or extract large volumes of air in order to disrupt this. Measurements and modelling have shown that the vapour content in the void is generally dependent on the level in external air, and that the contribution from the ground is usually small by comparison.
The aim of this research is to apply dynamic Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to predicting the complex turbulent flow field in an air-conditioned room. LES is a method to calculate turbulent flows where only the small-scale (subgrid-scale) motions are modelled and the large-scale (grid-scale) motions are computed directly. Recently, a dynamic subgrid-scale model has been developed that can evaluate a model coefficient dynamically. This paper presents a numerical simulation of LES with a dynamic mixed subgrid-scale model of a flow field in an air-conditioned room model.
The paper presents results from the numerical modelling of the flow field in an existing ventilated office room. The numerical procedure is based on the 3D Reynolds equations closed by the k-e turbulence model and an equation for temperature solved by the finite volume method. The boundary conditions are set in accordance to detailed measurements of the velocity distribution in the air supply diffuser. The established complex flow conditions in the room, which are due to the presence of furniture and buoyancy forces, are presented.
In order to evaluate the impact on indoor air quality of different installation and ventilation strategies, the modelling of indoor air pollutant transfer has been developed in the CLIM2000 software (thermal and airflow code). Then, these models have been used to simulate the evolution of indoor air pollution in an office building floor for a week in winter under different ventilation strategies. The selected pollutants are CO2, CO, NO2 and HCHO and the sources are outdoor pollution for all pollutants and occupancy for CO2. So far, humidity has not been taken into account.
Based on concerns about indoor air quality and trends towards tighter envelope construction,there has been increasing interest in mechanical ventilation of residential buildings in the UnitedStates. This paper reports on a situation study of indoor air quality, ventilation and energyimpacts of several mechanical ventilation approaches in a single-family residential building Thestudy focuses on a two-story house in the northwestern United States and employs themultizone airflow and contaminant dispersal model CONTAM96.
In laboratory experiments, we investigated the ability of two task/ambient conditioningsystems with air supplied from desk-mounted air outlets to efficiently ventilate the breathingzone of heated manikins seated at desks. In most experiments, the task conditioning systemsprovided 100% outside air while a conventional ventilation system provided additional spacecooling but no outside air. Air change effectiveness (i.e., exhaust air age divided by age of airat the manikins face) was measured.
The air quality in a subway-train was studied to suggest optimal design criteria and operationconditions based on the ventilation demand by passengers. The C02 emitted from thepassengers was the tracer for this study. The C02 bioeffluent from a human body was firstlyquantified and used for the data analysis. Then the C02 concentration was monitored in asubway-train being operated.
Within an International Energy Agency (IEA) project (Annex 27) experts from 8 countries(Canada, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Sweden, UK, and USA) have developed toolsfor evaluating domestic ventilation systems during the heating season. Building and useraspects, thermal comfort, noise, energy, life cycle cost, reliability, and indoor air quality(IAQ) tools were developed.