Local air speeds measurement in mechanically ventilated spaces.

Air speeds at the occupied zone were studied experimentally in seven large railway stations of space volume varying from 540- 9076 m3• The spaces are installed with mechanical ventilation systems and the air supply flow rates are from 0.455-23.67 m3 s-1• Results were analyzed by dividing the measured air speeds into different ranges. Statistical data such as the peak  value, mean value, range of the air speeds and the bandwidth are calculated. Values of the percentage of discomfort were calculated and analyzed similarly.

Understanding and reducing the indoor concentration of submicron particles at a commercial building in Southern California.

Submicron particles play a major role in soiling processes and contribute to corrosion, current leakage and shorts in electronic equipment. For more than a year, optical particle counters have been used to continuously measure the concentrations of submicron particles at a telecommunications facility in Southern California. Separate instruments have simultaneously sampled at four locations: the outdoor air intake, immediately upstream of the HVAC filters, immediately downstream of the HVAC filters, and inside the office.

Air pollution and daily mortality in Amsterdam.


Modelling large openings with COMIS.

Conjunction of Multizone Infiltration Specialists (COMIS) is a model that can be used to simulate air flow and pollutant patterns in a multizone structure. Experimental data from air flow measurements in single sided naturally ventilated spaces, common in urban environments, and from cross-ventilated spaces, are compared against predictions from COMIS. The single sided ventilation experiments were performed in a full scale building and a test cell, which led to the definition of a correction factor for COMIS.

The influence of the user on the results of multizone air flow simulations with COMIS.

The multizone airflow simulation program COMIS was evaluated within an International Energy Agency research program. One of the steps in the evaluation procedure is to test the user-code interface, consisting not only in the appearance of the computer screen, but also in the user guide or any other tutorial or help system. The user-code interface of COMIS was then tested through round robin tests. Two types of problems were submitted to several users: a simple and well-defined problem and a real world problem. This study first allowed great improvements of the user guide.
