Airtightness of timber frame buildings without a plastic film vapour barrier.

Good airtightness of a building can be achieved by the incorporation of an inner sealing layerfor the exterior walls and roofs in the form of a plastic film, which also serves as a vapourbarrier. However, if it is not wished to use plastic film as an inner sealing layer, thenairtightness must be effected through the use of other materials or in some other way. Thisproject has been concerned with investigation of a number of alternatives.

Active envelopes - essential in urban areas?

Today, the development of new technologies to improve building envelope performances ishighly encouraged and provides a clear challenge for designers and researchers. In thiscontext several typologies of active envelopes have become very popular. The paper startswith an overview of the history and the performances of active envelopes in the context ofurban design.

A simple interactive design tool for sizing, locating and determining pollution attenuation features of urban air inlets suitable for office buildings.

This paper identifies successful ways of applying natural ventilation to non domestic buildings locatedin urban areas. Whilst noise and contaminant pollution sources are a problem methods of avoiding theseemissions are discussed. A review of literature has established that pollution problems arise for buildingswhich are in close proximity to roads, railways, airports and local industries. Location of ventilation airinlets will affect the quality of indoor air, therefore it is essential that they are located in ways thatminimise the ingress of external pollutants.

A Scale Model Study on Contaminant Removal Effectiveness of Industrial Facility

Effective ventilation systems for a factory where various kinds of contaminant are discharged from many point sources are investigated in this study. Two ventilation systems are examined by scale model experiment using tracer gas. One system supplies fresh air and exhausts indoor air through the ceiling; the other has the inlet in the floor and outlet in the ceiling. Each system has a hanging wall installed at the ceiling, a device for immediate removal of the contaminant before it diffuses into the whole space.

Three-Dimensional Analysis of Airflow and Contaminant Particle Transport in a Partitioned Enclosure

Determination of the distribution of contaminant particles within zones becomes of great interest, with the increasing concern for indoor air quality. In order to improve the indoor air quality in a realistic building, the air movement and contaminant transport in a partitioned enclosure with ventilation have been studied numerically and experimentally. A three-dimensional analysis of air movement, temperature distribution and contaminant particle transport is made to investigate airflow patterns and deposition of contaminant particle in a partitioned enclosure.

Numerical Study of Personal Exposure to Contaminant and Draft Risk in a Workshop with Displacement Ventilation

Contaminant dispersion and potential draft risk in a workshop with displacement tion were investigated with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques. Three factors were considered: the location of the worker, the temperature of the supply air and the supply air flow rate. The capacity of CFD is demonstrated in optimizing the operation of a ventilation system by weighting two significant aspects, i.e., the indoor air quality and the worker's thermal sensation.
