Comparison of Natural and Mechanical Ventilation Performance in Similar Houses

The ventilation performance in 59 terraced houses of similar construction was investigated using a passive tracer gas technique. Some thirty houses were ventilated through the original natural ventilation, while eight were equipped with an additional bathroom fan and 20 were retrofitted with a mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system. All measurements were made simultaneously in March. The ventilation performance was computed using both single-zone and two zone approaches.

International collaboration within the IEA Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Programme.

Collaboration on energy technology research and development through the International Energy Agency (IEA) contributes to the economic development, energy security and environmental protection objectives of Member countries. The IEA Energy Technology Collaboration Programme provides a framework for experts to work co-operatively and share results. The benefits typically include sharing costs, pooling resources , and avoiding unproductive research paths. Further, participants are able to spread the risks associated with the choice of research priorities .

A simple computer code for estimating energy load in buildings as the result of mechanical ventilation.

Mechanical ventilation in buildings requires appropriate systems for heating and cooling. The costs of energy demand represent a high percentage of the global costs for climatisation. As a part of a project concerning these subjects the development of a computer code for evaluating energy load due to mechanical ventilation in buildings is in progress. The mathematical model is based on simplified equations to fit dynamically the psychometric curves. Inlet air flow rates are evaluated according to the more recent Italian regulations.
