Computer prediction of air quality in livestock buildings.

In modem livestock buildings the design of ventilation systems is important in order to obtain good air quality. The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics for predicting the air distribution makes it possible to include the effect of room geometry and heat sources in the design process. This paper presents numerical prediction of air flow in a livestock building compared with laboratory measurements. An example of the calculation of contaminant distribution is given, and the future possibilities of the method are discussed.

Introducing building energy simulation classes on the Web.

This paper reports the background, status, and current outcome of a collaborative European Union sponsored international project, which aims to promote computer modeling and simulation of energy in buildings by creating hypertextbased self-Leaming course material and publishing it on the World Wide Web.

Monitoring of the building envelope of a heritage house. A case study.

The paper describes the long-term monitoring of the hygrothermal performance of the building envelope of a heritage house located in Ottawa. The house, once the residence of two of Canada's Prime Ministers, now serves as a museum. To preserve the historical artifacts within the building, the specified temperature and relative humidity for the indoor air are 21°C and 35% to 50% respectively. As the house must also be preserved, there was concern about the effect of the high indoor relative humidity (moisture) on the durability of the building structure.

Interpretation of CO2 measurements in buildings.

