BIB 11: Balancing Ventilation Systems

Gives an extensive list of literature on the topic and provides a detailed analysis of several aspects of the problems which can occur. States that good ductwork design and installation are key to providing well balanced ventilation systems, and lists a number of fundamental handbooks which carefully outline the essential elements of designing ventilation air ductwork. Describes various methods including the constant velocity method, the velocity reduction method, the equal friction method, and the static regain method.

BIB 10: An annotated bibliography - Ventilation air duct cleaning - Office buildings

This bibliography is aimed at those building professionals who are looking for an overview of current developments in duct cleanliness and design. The quality of the indoor air depends as much on the cleanliness of the equipment and ductwork it passes through before reaching the occupied space as it does on the quality of the outdoor environment. This bibliography will review the sources and types of contamination found in ventilation ductwork, including dust, oil residue, fungal growth, and chemical emissions.

Wind Pressure and Air Flow in a Full-Scale Building Model under Cross Ventilation

The observation of wind pressure acting on the wall and floor of a full-scale building model under cross ventilation was carried out. The measurement of air flow was also undertaken, and the existing prediction theory of the air flow rate, namely the orifice flow equation, including the discharge coefficient, was evaluated for its accuracy. At the same time, a method of predicting the discharge coefficient has been proposed and tested.

Tracer Gas Measurements for Ventilation, Air Movement and Air Infiltration in a Four-Sided Atrium Office Building

The research described in this paper is part of a project aimed at improving energy costs and the indoor environment of atrium buildings. Tracer gas techniques were used to assess the ventilation performance in terms of air distribution and contaminant migration patterns and to measure the air infiltration rate of a three-storey atrium. This atrium serves as an entrance to a large office-laboratory complex.

BIB 09: An Annotated Bibliography: Impact of Urban Air Pollution on the Indoor Environment

The aim of this bibliography is to review and technically assess research into the impact of urban air pollution on the indoor environment. It includes a brief summary of relevant technical papers on the subject and lists those papers with accompanying bibliographic details.

Solar closets and sunspaces.
