Guide for residential indoor air quality investigations.

A Guide for Residential Indoor Air Quality Investigations presents a proposed series of steps that should be followed by trained specialists for identifying and determining the urgency, severity, cause and possible remedial actions needed when a possible indoor air quality problem is reported. It starts with questions that can be given over the phone to occupants and includes steps, questions, and observations for a field visit and a written report, if considered necessary.

Controlling stack pressure in high rise buildings by compartmenting the building.

An investigation was conducted of the effect of decreasing the air leakage area across internal partitions of a typical modern high-rise apartment. The objective of this work was to study the practicality of increased compartmentalization or separation of the living units from each other and from the corridors and vertical shafts in the building. Typically, the main barrier to air movement through a high-rise apartment building is the exterior skin or envelope.
