Moldy houses: why they are and why we care.

Fifty nine houses, selected on the basis of previous measurements of mold levels, were subjected to field inspection, testing and monitoring and the occupants subjected to health evaluation questionnaires and testing of blood and nasal secretions. Data on house performance, mold growth and health has been compiled in an electronic data base available for future researchers. The work showed correlations between measurements of mold growth and immunological reactions of occupants and that mold growth appeared to be more related to local moisture sources than ventilation levels.

New technical concepts for atria.


Smoke ventilation.


Prediction of ventilation, heat transfer and moisture transport in attics.

The attic space of most residential buildings is well insulated from the house below, and therefore experiences extreme temperature conditions on seasonal and diurnal cycles. This can cause moisture entering the attic through the ceiling from the house, or through other leaks from outside, to accumulate in or on interior wood surfaces. This moisture accumulation leads to structural degradation and the growth of micro-organisms.

Energy lessons from school.
