A study of large air to air heat pumps in a clothing store

This report describes the field trial undertaken at a Manchester clothing store with a gross floor area of 5950 m2, served by eight rooftop air to air heat pumps. The heat pumps have a design heat output of 61 kW each, and the data complements that which has been derived from earlier trials with smaller units. A description is given of the store and its services, with the instrumentation installed. Detailed instrumentation was applied to one representative floor, and the overall pattern for the store derived using this data and the known total loads and operating hours.

CFD simulation as a tool for designing tracer gas measurements of ventilation performance.

A recently proposed tracer gas method - the homogeneous emission technique-which is suitable for measurement of ventilation air distribution in large enclosures is explained. It is discussed how a CFD-simulation of tracer gas distribution could be utilised to optimise the design of a tracer gas experiment in order to achieve the requested information at a minimum cost.

The key to persistence.
