Fresh air by design.

Annex XIV, Condensation and energy, case studies.

The idea to start an Annex on mould, surface condensation and energy grew in 1984-1985. In September 1985, a workshop was organised at the Leuven University, Belgium, focusing on the state of the art in different countries. This workshop reve

Annex XIV, Condensation and energy, catalogue of material properties.

The idea to start an Annex on mould, surface condensation and energy grew in 1984-1985. In September 1985, a workshop was organised at the Leuven University, Belgium, focusing on the state of the art in different countries. This workshop reve

Annex XIV Condensation and energy, guidelines and practice.

The idea to start an Annex on mould, surface condensation and energy grew in 1984-1985. In September 1985, a workshop was organised at the Leuven University, Belgium, focusing on the state of the art in different countries. This workshop reve

Annex XIV, Condensation and energy, Sourcebook.

The idea to start an Annex on mould, surface condensation and energy grew in 1984-1985. In September 1985, a workshop was organised at the Leuven University, Belgium, focusing on the state of the art in different countries. This workshop reve

Designing a crawl space.

12th AIVC Conference Proceedings: Air movement and ventilation control within buildings. Volume 3.

AIVC Conference proceedings. Contains 31 posters from the 12th AIVC Conference held in Ottawa, Canada, September 1991.
