A review of smoke control models.


The use of acoustic intensimetry to size air leakage cracks.

The sound intensity technique and reverberant sound excitation have been used for the measurement of sound transmission loss through narrow slits in rigid walls. As predicted by theory, the dimensions of the apertures determine the magnitudes and resonant frequencies of the sound transmission loss curves. It should thus be possible in principle to size air leakage cracks using the technique described in this paper.

A preliminary comparison of calculated building ventilation rates using six different pressure coefficient data sets.

As part of the Air Infiltration & Ventilation Centre's Numerical Database development programme, Wind Pressure Coefficient data are being collected from many published sources, much of which will contribute to the Centre's own Pressure Coefficient database. To ensure the compatibility and validity of the various data sets, a preliminary comparison has been carried out of the data in use. The work has concentrated on an analysis of the effects of Cp values, for vertical walls, on calculated wind driven infiltration and ventilation rates.
