Impact of Building Airtightness on Heat Generator and Heat Emission Equipment Sizing

Cracks in building fabric lead to air infiltration due to wind and buoyancy driven forces. In the heating season, the cold air entering the building needs to be heated up to room temperature, thus leading to an energy demand. Conventionally, the measured infiltration rate at 50 Pa (expressed as n50 or q50) is recalculated into an average infiltration flow rate (yearly based) using leak infiltration ratio’s (LIR) ranging from 0.033 to 0.1, the origin of these values being sometimes unclear.

Impacts of the Indoor Environment in Our Homes and Schools on Child Health

Today, more than 26 million European children are living in unhealthy homes putting them at higher risk of experiencing health problems. Good air quality, sufficient access to daylight and adequate ventilation are important for creating a healthy indoor environment in any home, with the effects reaching far beyond childhood. Our research is based on analysis of the Eurostat microdata from the EU-wide survey “Income and Living Conditions in Europe” (EU-SILC).

Improved Thermal Comfort in Cabin Aircraft with in-seat Microclimate Conditioning Module

Climate control of cabin aircraft is traditionally conditioned as a single unit by the environmental control system. Cabin temperature is controlled by the crew while passengers of the aircrafts have the control on the gaspers providing fresh air from the above head area. The small nozzles are difficult to reach and adjust to meet the passenger’s needs in terms of flow and direction. A more dedicated control over the near environment of each passenger can be beneficial in many situations.

Analysis of Potential Impacts of Policy Options for Inspections of Stand-alone Ventilation Systems in EU Dwellings

Various field studies have shown that in a vast majority of European countries the quality of installed residential ventilation systems is poor, with a large proportion of systems having significantly lower installed flow rates than the required values, or having poor energy performance due to flaws in design, installation or operation. This paper analyses the potential impact of different policy options for an EU-level approach for inspection of stand-alone ventilation systems in residential buildings until 2050.

Modelling the Similarity and the Potential of VOC and Moisture Buffering Capacities of Hemp Concrete on Indoor Air Quality and Relative Humidity

The means for keeping the indoor relative humidity (RH) and pollutant concentration below a threshold level of interests are necessary and essential to improving building performance in terms of indoor air quality (IAQ), energy performance and durability of building materials. In this paper, the similarity between the moisture and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) transport models is applied to study the effect of toluene (a typical VOC) and moisture buffering capacities of a hemp concrete wall on indoor toluene concentration and RH.

New Low-Cost Sensing Network for Indoor Environmental Monitoring and Control in Buildings

New types of low-cost sensors have the potential to replace existing sensor networks in buildings, which have high cost and low flexibility in terms of monitoring local indoor environmental quality (IEQ) close to the occupants. The objective of this study is to (i) investigate the reliability, accuracy, robustness, and communication capabilities of low-cost sensor networks and (ii) develop and implement an overall framework of monitoring and control of indoor environmental conditions, embedded in existing control infrastructures or using new system typologies.

Airtightness of Buildings—Evaluation of Leakage-Infiltration Ratio and Systematic Measurement Error due to Steady Wind and Stack Effect

The fan pressurization method that is widely used to measure the airtightness of buildings is known to have quite large measurement error. It is made up of random measurement error (precision) and systematic measurement error (bias).

Indoor Environmental Quality and its Effects on Human Sleep Quality

Sleep is essential for multiple aspects of a person’s well-being and can be affected by a person’s physical and mental state in addition to the environment they sleep in. To date, the majority of research analyzing the relationship between a person’s sleep quality and indoor environment has focused on environmental parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, light, and noise. However, in recent years, a few key studies have identified indoor air quality (IAQ) as a potential contributor to sleep quality.

Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches: Trending IAQ to IEQ to COVID-19

The University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) is in Boulder, Colorado USA at 5280 feet above sea level. The campus has approximately 12 million square feet of infrastructure spanning over 100 years of building infrastructure evolution. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the University employed a science-based approach with campus researchers including aerosol scientists and campus epidemiologist and industry standards to inform a layered risk management strategy for an on-campus learning experience during the pandemic.

A Numerical Study of the Effect of Limited Space Air Stability on SARS-CoV-2 Spreading in a Ventilated Room

Worldwide concern has been focused on the airborne disease of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigated the effect of the limited space air stability on the mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 spreading in the interpersonal breathing microenvironment using an unsteady computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. A validated numerical model was employed to simulate the transient SARS-CoV-2 releasing process from normal breathing activity. The computational domain was divided into an interpersonal breathing microenvironment and the rest macroenvironment.
