Simple simulation sensitivity tool

One of the key responses of the UK Government to the European Energy Performance Building Directive EPBD2002 has been the introduction and refinement of an energy efficiency compliance tool for domestic dwellings, the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP, 2009). A major disadvantage of the current assessment procedure is that a SAP model is generally confined to the final compliance stage of the design when it is used to certify energy performance once the design is concluded owing largely to the perceived complexity of the existing interfaces amongst architects (, 2012).

Automatic simulation and carbon analysis for architecture design

This paper presents computational work in building information management, data interoperability, and data population, to support automatic carbon analysis. The goal is to build an effective design support tool to help maintain a carbon perspective during building design, and as such accuracy and ease of use are pertinent objectives.

Early design phase evaluation of urban solar potential: insights from the analysis of six projects

This paper presents the outcome of a study based on the early-stage analysis of six virtual urban-scale de-signs located in Bern, Switzerland. A preliminary so-lar potential evaluation methodology is devised, in-spired by previous studies, to allow the comparison of the projects’ potential for exploiting solar energy through passive (e.g. daylight) and active (e.g. pho-tovoltaic) measures. The workflow employed distin-guishes itself by integrating and confronting conflict-ing performance indicators and geometrical param-eters.

Analysis and optimisation of retrofit and energy supply strategy across a diverse urban building portfolio

This paper presents a study in support of decision mak-ing for building retrofit and energy supply strategy at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in southwest Lon-don, England. The study considers the issues that af-fect simulation at the building scale specific to this site, in particular simulation of heat flow in botanical glasshouses, retrofit of heritage structures and simula-tion of power load for buildings with high equipment density.

Enhancing indoor comfort in existing apartment buildings in athens using natural ventilation

Computer simulation and field studies were conducted to investigate the implementation of natural cooling strategies in existing apartment buildings in Athens; the most typical urban domestic building type of Greece. Thermal performance analysis and airflow modelling in a specific apartment were conducted for the summer period using dynamic building energy simulation tools. The indoor thermal comfort was evaluated with reference to the adaptive thermal comfort theory.

Simulation of reflected daylight from building envelopes

With more frequent problems of reflected daylight from building envelopes, it is important to assess the influence of a building envelope design in terms of reflected daylight at early stage. This could reduce the risk of environmental problems and minimize the consequences cost after construction. The objective of this study is development of procedures for the assessment. A tool chain has been implemented on parametric design platform RHINO and GRASSHOPPER.
