How to improve the quality of air in your home.


Guide to radon control.


Radon control in new houses.


Temperature efficiency , air change efficiency and ventilation efficiency in an office room with displacement ventilation.

A field study of temperature efficiency, air change efficiency and ventilation efficiency in an office room with a displacement ventilation system has been made. The air change efficiency and the ventilation efficiency have been determined by using a tracer gas (N20) technique.  Concentrations have been measured at four heights in the room and in the supply and exhaust air.

Federal radon activities inventory.


Investigations on air change and air quality in dwellings.

Using passive sampling techniques, including a passive sampling, multiple tracer gas technique (the PFT-technique), the Danish Building Research Institute has performed field measurements in about 130 dwellings. The dwellings comprised detached, naturally ventilated single family houses and single family houses and flats ventilated with exhaust ventilation systems.
