Air infiltration and ventilation.

General background to the conference.

Public policy considerations and the development of a code for the control of radon in residences.

Building codes that address radon control in residential buildings are a relatively new development in the larger trend toward increased efforts to understand and control indoor air quality. A residential radon construction standard has been developed in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The Northwest Residential Radon Standard (NRRS) seeks to provide a measured public policy response that is commensurate with current knowledge of both the health risk and the state of building science.

Air changes and scatter in mechanical ventilation rates in Swedish residences.

In Sweden, the energy crisis in the early seventies resulted in attempts to lower the air change rate in buildings to reduce energy consumption. For many building categories, this lead to a deterioration of the indoor climate or problems with moisture and mould growth, Today, many residents demand higher ventilation rates, often the motivation is concerns about health and comfort. In this paper is presented results of measured air change rates in Swedish dwellings during the period 1974-88.
