Soon after its inception in November 1974, the International Energy Agency embarked, inter alia, upon the task of promoting increased emphasis on energy research, development and demonstration (RD & D) and its Member countries, aspart of the Agency's objectives to reduce dependency upon oil, and to achieve improved long term security of energy supplies. This is a ten year review of what has been achieved by the joint effort in the four technology areas of fossil fuels, renewable energy forms, controlled thermonuclear fusion and technology applications in the end user sector i.e.
An abridged version of the study carried out under the auspices of the Federal Office of Energy by the Institute for Building Research of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich.
The project reported on here was designed to expand on previous studies of the problem of incomplete venting of the products of combustion from heating appliances in order to approach a more nearly comprehensive understanding of the extent and nature of the problem in the Canadian housing stock. The work was subdivided into seven separate but closely coordinated sub-projects