The actual heating load of a building differs often from the designed load. One reason for this is the uncontrolled ventilation through a building envelope. The heating load of air infiltration has, in practical calculations, been calculated according to the predicted leakage flow rate and to the indoor and outdoor air temperature difference. We suggest, however, that the value of transmission heat losses should be corrected by a factor, Nusselt number, because of the thermal interaction of leakage flows and conduction heat transfer in wall structures.
Calculation of air infiltration in a large number of cases can give information of expected variations in yearly air change and energy consumptions. As model is used the equivalent leakage area model written in a spreadsheet computer program. For a typical Norwegian house an analysis of the influence of some parameters is made. The influence of climate is found to be small, if we compare the mean yearly air change for towns in Norway. Prediction of air infiltration is made from known variations in indoor temperature, 50 Pa pressurization air change and leakage and pressure characteristics.
Measurements of the air temperature and air velocity were carried out in four buildings without air-conditioning using a newly developed anemometer whose sensitivity allows the examination of the dynamic behaviour of air movements. Recent results describing the physical reasons of draft problems were employed in order to re-examine the correlation between air movements and draft problems in a building. From the resulting evaluation criteria follows that besides, the environmental temperature and the mean air velocity, the magnitude of the turbulent fluctuations is important .
When controlling the performance of a ventilation system it is important to investigate how the system works together with the building it ventilates. It is the performance of the complete system which is of interest, not its individual components. This paper describes the use of a computer-controlled, tracer-gas measuring system for controlling ventilation systems. By means of 4 measuring probes the condition of the air at the intake, room injection, room extraction and exhaust is registered.
In this paper we describe the development of a multi-tracer gas system for measuring interzonal air movement in buildings. The system consists of simple and stand-alone gas injectors and sampling units. The injectors are capable of releasing up to four perfluorocarbon tracer gases in different parts of a building. Following tracer gas injection and mixing, small samples of air are collected using automatic sampling units. Each unit consists of a 16-position valve and a group of removable stainless steel tubes packed with solid absorbent.
In order to avoid demage to the health of occupants, annoyance or reduction in amenity and demage to the building fabric the concentration of indoor air pollutants has to be held below pollutant specific levels. One appropriate measure for the control of concentration is ventilation. In several national and international activities in the past, among others in the IEA's Annex IX "Minimum Ventilation Rates" and standardization efforts in Germany and other countries, ventilation rates have been defined which should meet both indoor air quality (iaq) requirements and energy conservation.
This paper describes one of the results of the IEA-annex 8 "Inhabitants behaviour with regard to ventilation". Annex 8 has shown that the occupants can play a rather important role with regard to the ventilation rates inoccupied buildings. This paper gives some practical 'rules of thumb' for estimating air flow rates through open windows. An overview of measured and estimated ventilation rates in houses is given from which a simplified approach is derived that takes into account the air tightness of the building and the behaviour.
It has been estimated that 15% of the energy used for building services in the United Kingdom is consumed in industrial buildings. A large proportion of this is thought to relate to infiltration and ventilation. There has been very little information produced concerning infiltration rates in industrial buildings because of the difficulty in making accurate measurements. During the past three years, British Gas has made ventilation and building leakage measurements in a number of industrial and other large buildings in the UK.
A study has been made, both experimentally and analytically, on the characteristics of thermal performance of high-rise buildings using a simulated model building with five floors and a number of exterior openings under various temperature distributions. The effect of the temperature variation on the location of the neutral pressure level (NPL) was of particular interest of the present study.
A six channel, computer controlled, tracer gas detection system for the measurement of infiltration rates and air movement in large single-cell industrial buildings has been designed, constructed and calibrated. This has been used for over 50 sets of tracer decay measurements in five single-cell buildings ranging in size from 4000 to 31000 m³, The buildings included a sports hall, a vehicle maintenance depot, two factory workshops and an aircraft hanger. Infiltration rates and interzonal flows were derived from the tracer decay curves using methods based on multizone theory.