Development of a web-based, code-compliant 2001 IECC residential simulator for Texas

This paper describes the development of a web-based, code-compliant 2001 IECC1 residential simulation for Texas. Included in the paper is a description of the software and database platform used in the web application and how this software is attached to the DOE-2 legacy software running on a cluster of servers attached to the web. Additional information is included about how a residence is dynamically updated by the web-page, using macro commands and a flexible yet fixed-schematic input file.

Study of the transient behaviour of a hemp concrete building envelope

Hemp concrete is more and more recommended by eco-builders because hemp is a renewable plant, recyclable and does not degrade within time. To integrate this material into buildings, it is important to study its hygrothermal behaviour. In this paper, two models have been investigated: a heat transfer model (Th) and a hygrothermal model accounting for heat and moisture transport through building envelope (HAM). Both models were implemented into the simulation environment SPARK. Simulations were run for a room located in Nancy and for winter conditions.

In situ determination of the moisture buffering potential of room enclosures

Moisture buffering by the room enclosure can have an important influence on the variation in interior relative humidity. A characterisation to qualify and quantify this moisture buffering effect is given in a complementary paper (Janssen and Roels, 2009a, 2009b). Starting from this methodology, this paper proposes a method to determine the hygric inertia of an entire room in situ. To do so, a humidifier is placed in the room and a moisture production scheme is imposed over an interval of some days.

Qualitative and quantitative assessment of interior moisture buffering

The significance of interior humidity in attaining sus-tainable, durable, healthy and comfortable buildings is increasingly recognised. Any interior humidity evalu-ation requires a qualitative and/or quantitative assess-ment of interior moisture buffering.  This paper intro-duces the production-adaptive characterisation of the moisture buffer potential of single elements and cor-roborates their superposition toward a room-enclosu-re moisture buffer potential.  It is verified that this al-lows qualitative comparison of enclosures in relation to interior moisture buffering.

On modelling moisture buffering when evaluating humidity controlled HVAC systems

As most building energy simulation programs focus on the thermal response of the building, the relative humidity of the indoor air is often calculated in a simplified way. One of the main shortcomings is the isothermal calculation, which may have a strong influence the predicted relative humidity. In this paper the use of a simplified effective moisture penetration depth (EMPD) model is compared with a coupled TRNSYS-HAM-model. First, an estimation of the load for humidification and dehumidification is made.

Design methodology for optimization of electricity generation and daylight utilization for façade with semi-transparent photovoltaics

Semi-transparent photovoltaics (STPV) have a large potential for integration in fenestration systems, adding the option of solar electricity production while still allowing for satisfaction of daylight needs. This paper studies the potential of using such a technology and examines the impact of changing the photovoltaics (PV) area ratio (ratio of PV coverage to fenestration area) on the STPV façade.

A comparative simulation study of solar flat-plate collectors directly and indirectly integrated into the building envelope

Simulation analyses for solar combisystems (domestic hot water productionand space heating) with different levels of collector quality (atmospheric and evacuated flat-plate collectors) and different types of façade integration (direct, indirect) have been performed.

Development of an air-based open loop building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal system model

This paper develops convective heat transfer coefficients for several different BIPV/T system configurations using Computational Fluid Dynamics models. The results for one of the CFD cases are validated with experimental data from a BIPV/T installation. The second part of the paper describes a model which is used to generate annual performance data for the system, including thermal and electrical energy production. Framing elements increase the turbulence which in turns increases the convective heat transfer coefficients.

A simple model of domestic PV systems and their integration with building loads

Photovoltaic systems can reduce the CO2 emissions associated with the consumption of electricity in dwellings. One key issue that affects both the  economic case for home installation and the integration with the mains electricity grid is the match between the instantaneous production and demand for power. This initial study considers a sample of 10 dwellings which were monitored under the UK Government’s Photovoltaic Domestic Field Trial.

A simulation-supported control scheme for natural ventilation in buildings

This paper addresses the potential of the simulation assisted operation of devices for natural ventilation. Toward this end, a control scheme was conceived as follows: at specific points in time, the control system applies simulation to predict how various window operation regimes would affect the indoor temperature in the building over the course of the following day. Comparison and ranking of the simulation results is conducted using Mean Overheating of the indoor air in selected spaces as the relevant performance indicator.
