Trends in national approaches for handling summer comfort and cooling.

The Proceedings of the International workshop: "Summer Comfort and Cooling", held in Barcelona, Spain, 31 March -1 April, 2009.

Achieving relevant and durable airtightness levels: status, options and progress needed

The proceedings of the AIVC -TightVent International Workshop: "Achieving relevant and durable airtightness levels: status, options and progress needed" held in Brussels, Belgium, 28-29 March 2012

34th AIVC Conference, 2013: Best paper, best poster awards

A list of the best paper and poster awards winners of the joint 34th AIVC, 3rd TightVent, 1st venticool and 2nd Cool Roofs’ Conference held in Athens, Greece on 25-26 September, 2013.

Where are we today with ventilation and infiltration in buildings? A summary of the presentation of Peter Wouters, operating agent of AIVC, at the 34th AIVC Conference in Athens

A summary of the presentation: "Where are we today with ventilation and infiltration in buildings?" of Peter Wouters, operating agent of AIVC, presented at the 34th AIVC Conference in Athens.

Securing the quality of ventilation systems in residential buildings - Existing approaches in various countries.

This publication collects papers presented at one of the activities organized in the context of the AIVC-project ‘improving the quality of residential ventilation systems’, primarily at the international workshop. 

Experimental analysis of different operational configurations for single sided natural ventilation as part of a low energy retrofit

Non-invasive, scalable, building retrofit solutions are amongst the most likely large scale adoption techniques to assist in climate change adaptation in the existing built environment, particularly in university type buildings where rehousing live activities will prove costly. Natural ventilation is an attractive retrofit strategy due to the low impact nature of the installation. A number of internal environmental criteria that are important to ventilative cooling strategies can be substantially modified as a result of an external retrofit solution.

Indoor air and thermal environment of environmental friendly house by passive design in Japan

In recent years, with actualization of a global warming issue, the need for simultaneous pursuit of progress of comfort in living space at residential house and energy saving is now becoming greater and greater. In this study, we investigated the indoor thermal environment and air distribution by natural ventilation at earth sweet home in summer, middle and winter seasons in Japan. This house is designed so that the effect of natural ventilation may become high. We report the results with focus on the effects of indoor thermal and air environment by opening window in middle season.

Ventilative cooling of residential buildings: Strategies, measurement results and lessons learned from three active houses in Austria, Germany and Denmark

The thermal comfort of the residential buildings Home for Life in Denmark, LichtAktiv Haus in Germnay and Sunlighthouse in Austria is investigated with a particular focus on the strategies used to achieve good thermal comfort, and the role of solar shading and natural ventilation. The houses are three of six buildings in the Model Home 2020 project. They have generous daylight conditions, and are designed to be energy efficient and CO2 neutral with a good indoor environment.

A low- energy innovative system for space cooling

A lightweight aluminium nocturnal radiator, painted with an appropriate paint, was established on the roof of the Department of Environmental & Natural Resources Management in Agrinio, in Western Greece. The dynamic thermal performance of the system during summer months was calculated using an accurate mathematical model, based on the heat transferred from the air circulating inside the radiator to the ambient air. Furthermore, an extensive validation process was carried out.
