Energy effectiveness of duct sealing and insulation in two multifamily buildings.

Energy losses from forced air distribution systems have a significant impact on the energy efficiency of buildings. Little work has been done to quantify these losses in apartment buildings. In this paper we will discuss field measurements made on four forced air heating systems to evaluate the duct system energy losses to unconditioned basements. The apartments were heated by natural gas furnaces located in the basements. The systems had bare sheet metal ductwork exposed to the basement conditions.

Energy efficiency in California laboratory type facilities.

The central aim of this project i s to provide knowledge and tools for increasing the energy efficiency and performance of new and existing laboratory-type facilities in California. We approach the task along three avenues: (1) identification of current energy use and savings potential, (2) development of A Design Guide for Energy-Efficient Research Laboratories, and (3) development of a research agenda for focused technology development and for improving our understanding of the market 

Energy-related indoor environmental quality research: A priority agenda

A multidisciplinary team of IEQ and energy researchers has defined a program of priority energy-related IEQ research. This paper describes the methods employed to develop the agenda, and 35 high priority research and development (R&D) project areas related to four broad goals: 1) identifying IEQ problems and opportunities; 2) developing and evaluating energy-efficient technologies for improving IEQ; 3) developing and evaluating energy-efficient practices for improving IEQ; and 4) encouraging or assisting the implementation of technologies or practices for improving IEQ.

Evaluation of Commercially AvailableTechniques and Development of Simplified Methods for Measuring Grille Airflows in HVAC Systems

This report discusses the accuracy of flow hoods for residential applications, based on laboratory tests and field studies. The results indicate that commercially available hoods are often inadequate to measure flows in residential systems, and that there can be a wide range of performance between different flow hoods. The errors are due to poor calibrations, sensitivity of existing hoods to grille flow non-uniformities, and flow changes from added flow resistance.

Evaluation of flow capture techniques for measuring HVAC grille airflows

This paper discusses the accuracy of commercially available flow hoods for residential applications. Results of laboratory and field tests indicate these hoods can be inadequate to measure airflows in residential systems, and there can be large measurement discrepancies between different flow hoods. The errors are due to poor calibrations, sensitivity of the hoods to grille airflow non-uniformities, and flow changes from added flow resistance.

Evaluation of flow hood measurements for residential register flows

Flow measurement at residential registers using flow hoods is becoming more common. These measurements are used to determine if the HVAC system is providing adequate comfort, appropriate flow over heat exchangers and in estimates of system energy losses. These HVAC system performance metrics are determined by using register measurements to find out if individual rooms are getting the correct airflow, and in estimates of total air handler flow and duct air leakage.

Evaluation of PEGIT Duct Connection System

Most air duct system components are assembled in the field and are mechanically fastened by sheet metal screws (for sheet metal-to-sheet metal) or by drawbands (for flex duct-to-sheet metal). Air sealing is separate from this mechanical fastening and is usually achieved using tape or mastic products after mechanical fastening. Field observations have shown that mechanical fastening rarely meets code or manufacturers requirements and that sealing procedures are similarly inconsistent.

Experimental Evaluation of Gas Filled Plenum Duct Insulation

Forced-air heating and cooling system ducts are often located outside conditioned space in US houses. For these systems to perform efficiently it is important that these ducts be well insulated. Common practice is to use a glass fiber wrap around the ducts -- either field applied or more commonly, integrated into a flexible duct. Most duct insulation has an R-value of 4.2, with R6 and R8 ducts also occasionally used. With glass fiber insulation being about R4 per inch (RSI 0.28/cm), this adds 2 to 4 inches (50 to 100 mm) to the duct diameter.

Experimental investigation of aerosol deposition on slot-and joint-type leaks

This paper deals with the quantification of the sealing effectiveness of slot- and joint-type leaks by aerosol deposits. A sticky aerosol (MMD ˜ 4.9 µm; GSD ˜ 2.7) was injected into a duct and blown out through machined slot- and joint-type leaks located on the duct wall. For both leak-types, the crack exit was a rectangular opening of 1.7 x 50 mm. The pressure across the leaks was kept constant during the plugging process, while the airflow rate through the openings was continuously monitored.
