ECA 12: Biological particles in indoor environments.

This report is concerned with the strategy and methodology for investigating four major categories of biological particles in the indoor air of private houses, non-industrial workplaces and public buildings (excluding hospitals). These particles are mites and their faeces; dander from pets and other furred animals; fungi, including moulds and yeasts; and bacteria, including actinomycetes.

ECA 11: Guidelines for ventilation requirements in buildings.

These Guidelines recommend the ventilation required to obtain a desired indoor air quality in a space. The first step is to decide the air quality aimed for in the ventilated space. A certain air quality is prescribed to avoid adverse health effects while a decision is required on the level of perceived air quality aimed for in the ventilated space. Three different comfort levels are suggested. The next step is to determine the pollution load on the air caused by pollution sources in the space.

ECA 10: Effects of indoor air pollution on human health.

The report contains a summary discussion of human health effects linked to indoor air pollution (IAP) in homes and other non-industrial indoor environments. Rather than discussing the health effects of the main different pollutants which can be found in indoor air, the approach has been to group broad categories of adverse health effects in separate chapters, and describe the relevant indoor exposures which may give rise to these health effects.

ECA 09: Project inventory - 2nd updated edition

This report gives short descriptions of 325 research projects and investigations originating from 14 European countries and the Joint Research Centre aimed at understanding causes and/or effects of inadequate indoor air quality and at removing or mitigating such causes. The descriptions contain the project title, keywords, name, address and phone number of the principal investigator(s) and the year of the project start and expected project end.

ECA 08: Guideline for the characterization of volatile organic compounds emitted from indoor materials and products using small test chambers

The report describes procedures for determining emissions of volatile organic com- pounds from indoor materials and products using small environmental test chambers. Consideration is given to facilities and equipment, sample collection and analysis, experimental design and procedures and to data analysis. The techniques presented are useful for both routine product testing and in depth investigations by indoor air quality researchers.

ECA 07: Indoor air pollution by formaldehyde in European countries.

The report summarizes information on indoor pollution by formaldehyde (HCHO) in European countries participating in the concerted action "Indoor Air Quality and Its Impact on Man" (COST project 613). Major scope of the report is to give concise information to people involved in research planning, policy making and regulatory activities and to identify a European view of the issue. The summary includes a short review of health effects of formaldehyde, of existing air quality guidelines and standards and of indoor sources of formaldehyde.

ECA 06: Strategy for sampling chemical substances in indoor air

The document addresses the questions when, for what period of time, how often and where samples should be taken for the in-field analysis of chemical compounds in indoor air. It is divided into two parts. In the first part, a more detailed discussion of the dynamics of the indoor environment and of the objectives of Indoor pollution measurements is given In addition, general rules are derived for an optimal strategy to answer the above mentioned questions.

ECA 05: Project inventory

Information on the projects is contained on formatted sheets three of which are accommodated on each page. The projects of each country are grouped together. An identification number has been attributed to each project composed of the country code as used for automobiles and a number. Numbers are sequential and start from 1. They are attributed arbitrarily and may differ from one edition of the inventory to the next.

ECA 04: Sick building syndrome - a practical guide

The report aims at giving a guide to those facing the problem of "sick building syndrome". After a description of the other building related illnesses, which must not be confused with the syndrome in object, the extent of the problem is presented, with particular emphasis on the economic implications. The report deals also with the symptoms which must be present in order to diagnose the syndrome and with the various environmental and personal factors possibly contributing to the development of the trouble.

ECA 03: Indoor pollution by NO2 in European countries.

The report summarizes information on indoor pollution by nitrogen dioxide (NO2) In European countries participating in the concerted action "Indoor Air Quality and Its Impact on Man" (COST project 61 3). Major scope of the report IS to give concise information to people involved In research planning, policy making and regulatory activities and to help to identify a European view of the issue. The summary includes a short review of health effects of NO2 and of existing air quality guidelines and standards.
